Schedule A Home Inspection Today


Serving Middle Tennessee and Southern Kentucky

Call Or Text Us Today! (615) 380-1065

Home Inspections 6-Days A Week Monday Through Saturday

Call Or Text Us Today! (615) 380-1065


  • 0 - 1000 sq. ft. homes start at $345 Detached garages are included in pricing. 
  • 1000 - 2000 sq. ft. homes start at $365 Detached garages are included in pricing.
  • New construction 0 - 1000 sq. ft. starts at $325
  • New construction 1000 - 2000 sq. ft. starts at $345 
  • 48-Hour Radon Testing starts at $125 (in service area)
  • Need A Termite Letter? - $75 (in service area)
  • 10% discount off Home Inspection price for active-duty military and veterans with military ID.                                                    


We want to offer a great price and great service. 


Reports are powered by SPECTORA. They are web-based reports with an option for a PDF version. Reports have a clean layout, easy navigation, and a Report Request Builder that can help you and your agent save time building a repair list. Reports are mobile-friendly, include HD photos/video, and automated summaries.






Call Or Text To Schedule Today!

(615) 380-1065

Certifications and Services

We are certified in virtually every type of residential home inspection. Whether you are a buyer, seller, real estate agent or property manager, you can count on us for all of your building inspection needs. We inspect the roof, exterior, HVAC, plumbing, electrical systems, appliances, interiors, attic, and foundations. Ask about 48-hour Radon Testing and Termite Inspection Letter services. We will be adding more services in the future so stay tuned!

Our certifications are shown below:

TEXT OR CALL TODAY 615-380-1065

Please contact to schedule an inspection or use our inspection request form.