Tennessee Home Inspectors Standards of Practice

Tennessee Home Inspectors Standards of Practice   0780-05-12-.10 STANDARDS OF PRACTICE. (1) Standards of Practice. This rule sets forth the minimum standards of practice required of licensed home inspectors. (2) Definitions. The following definitions apply to this rule: (a) “Automatic safety controls” means devices designed and installed to protect systems and components from excessively high…

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InterNachi Standards of Practice

Home Inspection Standards of Practice Last revised October 2022 Table of Contents 1. Definitions and Scope 2. Limitations, Exceptions & Exclusions 3. Standards of Practice 3.1.  Roof  3.2. Exterior  3.3. Basement, Foundation, Crawlspace & Structure 3.4. Heating  3.5. Cooling  3.6. Plumbing  3.7. Electrical  3.8. Fireplace  3.9. Attic, Insulation & Ventilation 3.10. Doors, Windows & Interior 4. Glossary of Terms   1. Definitions and Scope…

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